First, Do no harm
– Hippocrates
Our Work

We are patient safety advocates and Pharmacovigilance experts who are working towards creating holisitic awareness regarding patient safety principles and pharmacovigilance through open dialogues in different forums. Contact us for collaborations.
Perspectives and voices Patient safety May 22
“Voices and Perspectives in Patient safety” A PhVFit initiative where we bring to you insights on patient safety from industry and healthcare experts. The insights are …
Why Pharmacovigilance?
What is the probability of a house catching fire? Very bleak, right. In the society where my parents live, the lane surrounding the building is …
Regulatory authorities for different countries
Global Pharmacovigilance laws and regulations – IAOCR Directory Serbia – Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia Slovakia – State Institute for Drug Control Slovenia …
System Factors in Patient Safety
James Reason created the Swiss cheese model to explain how faults in different layers of a system lead to incidents. This model shows how a …
Human Factors in Patient Safety
To err is human, and this is why it is so important to apply human factors for patient safety, and develop procedures to minimize error. …
Thalidomide disaster
Incident that laid the foundation of Pharmacovigilance In 1957, a drug was marketed as a safe sedative by a German company. They advertised their product …
patient safety first
Have you watched Dr. House? I have been a big fan. Not only for the amazing Dr. Gregory House, and the story line but because …
Patient safety research – how important?
If you are working on oncology studies, have you noticed that complete radical mastectomy is usually reported pre-1980 for breast cancer patients. Have you thought about …
Are you reporting Adverse Events Following Immunisation with Covid Vaccine?
Effective #pharmacovigilance is only possible when we have data to assess and analyse. Are we reporting, are HCPs reporting? I spoke to a friend whose …
Are you reporting Adverse Events Following Immunisation with Covid Vaccine? Read More »
5 Moments of Hand Hygeine to prevent Hospital acquired infections
Indian Medical association (IMA) and WHO prescribes 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene for healthcare workers to prevent Hospital acquired infections: IMA recommends health-care workers to …
5 Moments of Hand Hygeine to prevent Hospital acquired infections Read More »
Why Pharmacovigilance?
Why is #Pharmacovigilance important? To achieve the Utopian goal of #patientsafety ?? Well, we can’t understand the real significance of PV awareness until we experience …